
Pants Wear Skirts

The Erfurt Women Artists' Group 1984-1994

Founded in 1984 by several women allied with Gabriele Stötzer, the Erfurt Women Artists’ Group pursued an artistic vision in radical opposition to the strictures of everyday life in the GDR and contributed in various ways to shaping the period following the fall of the Berlin Wall. Their exploration of female self-empowerment, collective action, and […]

nGbK / Hatje Cantz, Berlin, 2023
Bilingual edition (German/English)

The Freedom Within Us

East-German Photography 1980-1989

Thirty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, what do we know about East-German photography? Resulting from several years of research led in Berlin and several other cities of former G.D.R., this publication presents the work of 16 photographers, still rarely shown outside of their country, that have developed their work during the decade […]

Koenig Books, London, 2019
English edition

Anton Roland Laub

Mobile Churches

Bucharest in the 1980s. Ceaușescu’s “systematization” program is in full swing in the Romanian capital: one-third of the historic center has been wiped out to make way for imposing buildings and wide avenues intended to honor the regime. Despite Ceaușescu’s particularly dogged approach towards the churches, seven are spared and undergo a process as incredible […]

Kehrer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2017
Trilingual edition (German/French/English)

George Shiras

In the Heart of the Dark Night

A keen observer of the animal world and a pioneer of wildlife photography, George Shiras was also the first, at the turn of the 20th century, to reveal the nocturnal lives of forest animals through surprising flash photographs. From mobile shots on his canoe to photographic tricks he developed (when the animal triggers itself the shot […]

Éditions Xavier Barral, Paris, 2015
English edition

Sharunas Bartas

Few of Them

Sharunas Bartas, born in 1964, is the author of eight films, selected for all the major festivals and celebrated by the critics. Since his first feature-length film Three Days (1991), he has created a dense and personal filmography marked by a fascination for people in remote geographies, for vagrants or roamers and their environments, be […]

Filigranes Éditions, Paris, 2016
Bilingual edition (French/English)